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Directed by Romain Mereau. (2019)

Performed by Bluebird Theatre Company Members & *Guest Artists

Produced by Atlantic Acting School & Bluebird Theatre Company

Bernarda Alba: Carmo Bebiano

La Poncia: Alice Corti

Angustias: Georgia Gabriele

Martirio: Brianna Gill

María Josefa: Josie Mura

The Maid: Alexandra Rigby

Prudencia: Gracie Rittenberg

Amelia: Jillian Tayeh

Adela: Jane Wirth

Magdalena: Töve Wood

Production team: Producer/Elliot White, Director/ Romain Mereau, Asst. Director/Alexandra Goldmann, Stage Manager & Design/Milena Karpukhina, Asst. Stage Manager/Shreyans Shah, Dramaturge & Props Master/Jonathan Portillio-Saenz, Lighting Designer/Josh Goodman, Lighting Desinger/Vanessa Mazhangara, Sound Designer/Wyatt Cohen, Sound Designer/Emmett Carnahan, Set Designer/Lachlan Quertermous, Costume Designer/Daniel Sbriglio, Box Office/Amanda Stamm, Marketing Team/Milena Karpukhina, Rory Byrne, Alexandra Rigby, Lumka Coleman.

Production photos by Marcus Middleton Photography

 Bernarda Alba is burying her second husband and imposing a traditional eight year mourning period on her household of five daughters whose lives she keeps a firm control over. When her oldest daughter, Angustias, gets engaged to the most eligible bachelor in town, it causes quite a stir amongst the sisters. Despite pleas from her maid La Poncia, who acts as the eyes and ears of the household, for Bernarda to loosen her grip, Bernarda is defiantly ignorant of her daughters’ secrets that are lying just beneath the surface. Until one day, they are forced to be uncovered…

Performed Off-Broadway at Atlantic Theater Company Stage 2

330 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011, United States

“The moment-to-moment work is excellent, and that’s what’ll set Bluebird Theatre Company apart”

– Mary McCann, Atlantic Theater Company


The Secret in the Wings